Housing, Newhaven

Fort Road, Newhaven - modular development of sustainable and affordable homes.

Photography by Boutique Modern

Developments, Sustainable Design, Modular Construction

Designed in partnership with modular homebuilder Boutique Modern and OSM Construction, this project replaced a disused council office building with 13 cutting-edge apartments providing much needed homes for local families. The aim of the development is to create desirable high-quality, sustainable and affordable homes using MMC.

The existing building, vacant since 2015, was found to be too expensive to modernise and convert and a conversion would not allow for efficient use of the site. The proposed design sought to replace the existing building with off-site manufactured modular apartments that are brought together over three stories around a bespoke stair and walkway pod system. The proposed arrangement is a highly efficient use of the site, allowing the formation of 13 units of mixed sizes.

Click here to see another architecture project that included modular construction.

“There is no doubt that this is a game changer, not just in terms of raising the bar for sustainability and fire safety, but also in build quality and finish. The apartments are stunning examples of what social housing professionals should be striving for”