
Newhaven Green - UK’s first accredited Active House Development

CGI images: Miracles by Design

Sustainable Design, Developments

Stickland Wright architecture + interiors have been project architects from the early stages and throughout the detailed design on North Lane Newhaven, we are incredibly excited to see this project now completed. Newhaven Green is a commercial venture by property developer, Miracles by Design, to develop 13 flats to the Active House standard, these are now the UK’s first accredited Active House homes, an amazing achievement by the team.

Miracles by Design (MBD) are a Newhaven based development company who believe that the most effective solution to combating climate change in construction, is to make green design the world’s most profitable activity. In their view, ‘bills are design flaws’ and a change in mindset is needed to improve design solutions that will reduce, eliminate or even turn expenditure into income.

This new environmental certification ensures buildings offer a healthier and comfortable indoor climate for the occupants without negative impact on the climate – measured in terms of energy, fresh water consumption and the use of sustainable materials. This is a holistic approach to building design that has been adopted in the construction industry and amongst planners and designers.  The flats, in the centre of historic Newhaven, will offer residents zero bills, substantial indoor planting and healthy internal environments, predominantly through the use of natural materials.

Stickland Wright worked closely with MBD Founder, Humayun Khan, to follow Active House principles, using natural and low embodied energy materials, where possible, and focusing on comfort and well-being by maximising daylight, improving thermal performance and indoor air quality. Each unit boasts 3 times more daylight than the average UK home, no energy bills, internal green walls and an innovative air cleaning process that pumps air through the soil of the Phytoremediation system, microbes then digest any pollution particles providing cleaner, fresher air.

Project team

Developer: Miracles by Design

Architect: Stickland Wright

Engineer: Haworth McCall

M&E Consultants: Crofton

Ground Floor Plan Showing 2 Apartments

Find out more about the Active House standard on the Active House website: Active House